Some people don't like having their kids help them cook. It takes too long, they make a mess, they won't do it "right". Probably all true. I am not one of them. Yes, it does take longer. Do they make a huge mess most of the time? Yep. They're learning. They're just figuring things out. My thoughts? Let them. Let them try. Let them learn. Let them help you. Trust me if you do you will learn just as much from them as they do from you. Probably more.
Ask them next time if they want to help. And when they do find things they can do. My 2 year old loves pouring and measuring, cracking eggs, mixing and "helping" things thaw in the sink. He also likes to help me load and unload the dishwasher and set the table.
Just because you can do it faster yourself doesn't make it the right way to do it. Most young kids genuinely want to help and be a part of whatever you're doing. Next time try to let them be involved with something you find mundane. Making dinner, doing a load of laundry, vacuuming can be quite intriguing to little ones. And having them involved will make it more fun for you too. :)
Kadin (over) salting our dinner. ;)
He made us some very yummy smelling chicken and pepper pasta sauce in the crock pot for tonight. I'm sure it will be delicious! :)
Just a song that has been on my mind and makes me think a bit of my sweet baby. It's amazing! My favorite of theirs I think.
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